domingo, 6 de dezembro de 2009

Ficha 15-2

Private Sub cmd1_Click()

Dim temp(1 To 6) As Integer, soma As Integer, cont As Integer, tempmaior As Integer, tempmenor As Integer, media As Single
Dim i As Integer, contp As Integer

media = 0
tempmaior = 0
tempmenor = 100
soma = 0
cont = 0
contp = 4

For i = 1 To 6
If contp < 12 Then
ampm = "manha"
ElseIf contp < 18 Then
ampm = "tarde"
ElseIf contp > 19 Then
ampm = "noite"
End If
temp(i) = Val(InputBox("Introduza a temperatura às " & contp & " horas da " & ampm, "Temperatura"))
registotemp.Print "Temperatura registada às " & contp & " horas da " & ampm & " -> "; temp(i) & " ºC"
contp = contp + 4
soma = soma + temp(i)
If temp(i) > -20 Then
cont = cont + 1
If temp(i) > tempmaior Then
tempmaior = temp(i)
End If
If temp(i) < tempmenor Then
tempmenor = temp(i)
End If
End If
Next i

cmd1.Enabled = False
cmd2.Enabled = True

ampli = tempmaior - tempmenor
media = Round(soma / cont, 1)

max.Caption = tempmaior & " ºC"
min.Caption = tempmenor & " ºC"

amplitude.Print "A amplitude térmica registada foi " & ampli & " ºC"

If media >= 15 Then
Image1.Visible = True
Image2.Visible = False
Image3.Visible = False
Image4.Visible = False
ElseIf media < 15 And media > 8 Then
Image1.Visible = False
Image2.Visible = True
Image3.Visible = False
Image4.Visible = False
ElseIf media <= 8 And media > 3 Then
Image1.Visible = False
Image2.Visible = False
Image3.Visible = True
Image4.Visible = False
ElseIf media <= 3 Then
Image1.Visible = False
Image2.Visible = False
Image3.Visible = False
Image4.Visible = True
End If

End Sub

Private Sub cmd2_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()
Hora = Time
Data = Date
End Sub

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