quinta-feira, 28 de janeiro de 2010

Trabalho 1


Dim neve1 As Integer, neve2 As Integer, nevetotal1 As Integer, nevetotal2 As Integer
Dim mat(1 To 1, 1 To 2) As Integer, l As Integer, ll As Integer

Private Sub Calcular_Click()

If Nome.Text = "" And Val(CC.Text) = 0 Then
x = MsgBox("Preencha o campo 'Nome' e 'CC' ", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "Campo Obrigatório")
ElseIf Nome.Text = "" Then
x = MsgBox("Preencha o campo 'Nome' ", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "Campo Obrigatório")
ElseIf Val(CC.Text) = 0 Then
x = MsgBox("Preencha o campo 'CC' ", vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "Campo Obrigatório")

For l = 1 To 1

Picture1.Print "Nome do Cliente"
Picture1.Print Nome
Picture1.Print "Nº do Cartão de Cidadão"
Picture1.Print CC & Chr(13)

For ll = 1 To 2

neve1 = Val(snow1.Text)
neve2 = Val(snow2.Text)

snowtotal1.Caption = neve1 * 20 & " €"
mat(l, 1) = snowtotal1.Caption
snowtotal2.Caption = neve2 * 30 & " €"
mat(l, 2) = snowtotal2.Caption

Next ll
Next l

nevetotal1 = snowtotal1.Caption
nevetotal2 = snowtotal2.Caption
neveal1 = neveal1 + neve1
neveal2 = neveal2 + neve2
snowal1.Caption = neveal1

snowal2.Caption = neveal2

totalgeral.Caption = nevetotal1 + nevetotal2

totalalugueis.Caption = neveal1 + neveal2

alugueltotal = totalalugueis.Caption

End If

If Nome.Text = "" And Val(CC.Text) = 0 Then
Calcular.Enabled = True
ElseIf Nome.Text = "" Then
Calcular.Enabled = True
ElseIf Val(CC.Text) = 0 Then
Calcular.Enabled = True
Calcular.Enabled = False
Imprimir.Enabled = True
Limpar.Enabled = True
LimparTudo.Enabled = True

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Limpar_Click()

Nome.Text = ""
CC.Text = ""
snow1.Text = ""
snow2.Text = ""
snowtotal1.Caption = ""
snowtotal2.Caption = ""
totalgeral.Caption = ""

Calcular.Enabled = True
Limpar.Enabled = False
Imprimir.Enabled = False

End Sub

Private Sub LimparTudo_Click()

Nome.Text = ""
CC.Text = ""
snow1.Text = ""
snow2.Text = ""
snowtotal1.Caption = ""
snowtotal2.Caption = ""
totalgeral.Caption = ""
neveal1 = 0
snowal1.Caption = ""
neveal2 = 0
snowal2.Caption = ""
alugueltotal = 0
totalalugueis.Caption = ""

Calcular.Enabled = True
Limpar.Enabled = False
LimparTudo.Enabled = False
Imprimir.Enabled = False

End Sub

Private Sub Imprimir_Click()

Calcular.Enabled = False
Limpar.Enabled = False
LimparTudo.Enabled = False
Imprimir.Enabled = False

End Sub

Private Sub Sair_Click()

Picture1.Visible = False
Picture2.Visible = True
MsgBox "Obrigado pela sua visita!", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "BOA QUEDA - Sair"


End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()

Label1.Caption = Time

End Sub


Private Sub Form_Load()

Label1.Caption = neveal1
Label2.Caption = neveal2
Label3.Caption = alugueltotal

End Sub
Private Sub Label5_Click()


End Sub


Public neveal1 As Integer, neveal2 As Integer, alugueltotal As Integer

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